Sunday 22 May 2016

How I Met Myself: Character That You Admire The Most 1
Based on the novel “How I Met Myself” written by David A. Hill, the person I
admire the most is John Taylor.He is a computer programmer in England and he was sent to Budapest to teach programming. He met Andrea in a language school. They fell in love and got married and had a baby girl named Kati Taylor. He is very persistence because no matter bad the situation became he never stopped looking for information on his doppelganger. He even went to the number 7 Felka Utca to look for answer about his mysterious doppelganger.Besides that, he is also a determined person. After analyzing the situation, he realized his doppelganger appeared for an important reason, so he was determined to find out. He went to the Budapest City Library to find out what had happened on the 18 th of January.Furthermore, he has a strong will-power when he wants to find out the reason. Even though his search made his life difficult and strained his relationship with his wife, he did not give up and kept pursuing the subject. He went to the Public Record Office without Andrea’s permission to find out the dates of his doppelganger’s birth and death. For the conclusion, the reason why I admire John Taylor the most is because of his good personality traits. Finally he understands that the doppelganger wants to save him and his family.


How I Met Myself: Character That You Admire The Most 2

Based on the novel ‘How I Met Myself’ by David A. Hill, the character that I admire the most is John Taylor.He is a persistent person. He never stopped looking for further information about his doppelganger no matter how bad the situation is even when Andrea don’t want to help him anymore. Furthermore, John Taylor is a determined person. He realized that his doppelganger appeared for an important reason, so he made a research about his nightmare recurrence by searching for the information in the library and questioning Mrs.Fischer at 7 Felka Utca. Lastly, I admire John Taylor because of his strong will power.Eventhough his search made his life difficult and miserable, with a strained relationship with his wife, he never give up. John always came home late at night and Andrea has some negative thoughts on his husband which made their relationship strained, but he kept pursing the subject and never gave up. Because of his good personality traits, he finally understands that the doppelganger wants to save him and his family. Based on the reasons above, John’s good traits made me admire him the most.


How I Met Myself: Character That You Admire The Most 3

Based on the novel ‘How I Met Myself’ written by David A. Hill, the character I admire the most is John Taylor.The reason why I admire him is because he is persistent. As evidence, no matter how bad the situation became, he never stopped looking for information on his doppelganger even when he had troubled with his doppelganger and recurrence of dreams. Eventually, the second reason I admire him is he is determination. He realized that his doppelganger appeared for an important reason, so he was determined to find out by making a research of his dream and nightmare of his doppelganger by searching for the information in the library and questioning Mrs. Fischer at 7 Felka Utca. Furthermore, I admire him because of his strong will power. Even though his search made his life difficult and strained his relationship with his wife, he did not give up and kept pursing the subject because he feels like he has to protect his family from harm, Because of his good personality traits, he finally understands that the doppelganger wants to save him and his family.


Friday 11 December 2015


           This story is about a man who met his doppelganger; a ghostly double of a living person.
John Taylor was an English computer programmer who worked in Budapest,Hungary, and lived there with his wife, Andrea, and daughter,Kati.He was walking home from work one day when he bumped into his doppelganger.John believed the doppelganger had come to give him a message.
John did some research and found that a man, with a name similar to his, had lived in that area many years ago along with a wife and daughter – whose names were also Andrea and Kati.The person's wife and daughter were killed in a tragedy.The timely warning from John's doppelganger saved John's wife and daughter from a similar fate.

  • This story is set in the modern are.However,reference are made to events that had happened during World War II in 1945

  • This story takes place in Budapest,Hungary.The places frequently mentioned are John and Andrea's flat, the address 7 Felka utca and a cafe at Gergely utca.Other places mentioned are John's office, the Budapest City Library, the Public Records Office,the Hungarian countryside and John's parent's home in a village near Swindon,England.
  • John was walking home from work one everning when someone ran into him,causing him to fall into the snow on the ground.When John looked up, he saw that the person looked exactly like him.John felt very afraid.He decided to follow the person but was unable to track him down as he seemed to have disappeared.John also realised that the person did not leave any footprint in the snow.He did not know what to do.

Rising Action 
  • John began having dreams about that evening.This resulted in him losing concentration at work, staying out late and having arguments with his wife, Andrea.Finally, John decided to tell Andrea about the incident. At farst, she was supportive. However, once their daughter ,Kati, was born, Andrea was constantly angry at him for paying more attention to his doppelganger than to his family.John had no choice but to find out more about his doppelganger on his own.
   John discovered that not only did he look like his doppelganger, they also shared the same name.Even the names of their wives and children were the same. John felt uncomfortable with these similarities, especially when he learnt that his doppelganger's wife and child were killed in a cellar that was destroyed during the war.


Monday 6 October 2014


Tugasan memerlukan murid untuk memberikan respon  secara bertulis dalam bentuk ujian objektif atau subjektif.

Dua jam

Pengetahuan, Kefahaman dan Kemahiran

Kaedah Penskoran
Analitik atau holistik

Bentuk Ujian
Objektif atau subjektif

Jenis Item
Respon terhad / respon terbuka / berstruktur / objektif pelbagai bentuk

Tugasan dibangunkan dalam lingkungan sukatan perlajaran tingkatan satu hingga tiga

Berjadual dan dalam tempoh yang dibenarkan

Dilakukan oleh guru berpandukan Panduan Penskoran

Murid memberikan respon secara individu


Cikgu ingin berkongsi beberapa soalan item Sains dalam Pentaksiran Tingkatan 3 (2014). Berikut adalah beberapa soalan contoh yang mengandungi unsur KBAT (Kemahiran Berfikir Aras Tinggi).


Protein merupakan salah satu nutrien yang penting dalam gizi seimbang kerana ia merupakan sumber
A     tenaga yang utama
B     gentian yang melicinkan penyahtinjaan
C     yang diperlukan untuk membina dan memperbaik sel-sel badan
D     garam mineral yang diperlukan untuk membantu badan melawan penyakit

                                                                                                    [1 markah]


Tenaga elektrik ialah sumber kuasa bagi sebiji lampu. Bagaimanakah anda menyimpul sama ada lampu itu adalah cekap tenaga atau tidak?

(a)  Kuantiti tenaga cahaya yang dipancar oleh lampu itu:
      (Tandakan X di dalam petak yang berkenaan)

[     ]     harus melebihi kuantiti tenaga elektrik yang dibekal kepadanya.
[     ]     harus kurang daripada kuantiti tenaga haba yang dibebaskannya.
[     ]     harus sama dengan kuantiti tenaga haba yang dibebaskannya.

                                                                                                    [1 markah]

(b)  Beri satu sebab untuk menyokong jawapan kamu.



                                                                                                    [1 markah]


Nyatakan DUA sebab mengapa pemasangan secara litar selari lebih baik daripada litar bersiri.

1.     .............................................................................................................

2.     .............................................................................................................
                                                                                                    [2 markah]

Banyak lagi contoh item KBAT yang akan cikgu berikan dalam minggu-minggu yang akan datang. Kunjungilah laman ini untuk mendapatkan maklumat dan format PT3 Sains 2014 terkini dari semasa ke semasa!


Sunday 5 October 2014



Tugasan memerlukan murid untuk memberikan respon secara bertulis dalam bentuk ujian objektif atau subjektif.

Dua jam

Pengetahuan, Kefahaman dan Kemahiran

Kaedah Penskoran
Analitik atau holistik

Bentuk Ujian
Objektif atau subjektif

Jenis Item
Respon terhad / respon terbuka / berstruktur / objektif pelbagai bentuk

Tugasan dibangunkan dalam lingkungan sukatan perlajaran tingkatan satu hingga tiga

Berjadual dan dalam tempoh yang dibenarkan

Dilakukan oleh guru berpandukan Panduan Penskoran

Murid memberikan respon secara individu

Bagi memahami PT3 (Pentaksiran Tingkatan 3) dengan lebih lanjut, boleh baca artikel mengenai Instrumen, Jadual dan Pelaksanaan PT3. Rujuk juga jadual pelaksanaan PT3 supaya dapat bersedia lebih awal.

Jadual Pelaksanaan
Pelbagai Instrumen
Pentadbiran : 1 - 18 Julai
Hantar gred : 15 - 29 Ogos

Ujian Lisan
Pentadbiran : 6 - 29 Ogos
Hantar Gred : 15 - 29 Ogos

Ujian Bertulis
Pentadbiran : 12 - 17 Oktober
Hantar Gred : 1 - 14 November